The Father of the Bride

I admire this man so much ...  and for so many reasons.

I admire him because, along with his delicious wife, he created one of the most beautiful souls that I am privileged to know.
I admire him because he had a terrible stroke last year and fought back so hard, with so much grace and humour, that he managed to fly over to England from Australia, and walk that beautiful daughter of his down the aisle. No one imagined it possible at one point.

I admire him because, even today, he retains this charisma that leaves you sure he will continue to fight his way along that road called recovery.

I feel so very lucky I was there to witness it all and capture this moment during the wedding of Clare and Chris.

Instead of a ‘quite a few’ wedding photographs, there are 100s of this truly exquisite Australian/Brit wedding.  Finishing up this week ...


Courage ...

‘I was told the Holocaust happened because the world was silent. So obviously I cannot stay silent when horrible things are being done in my name.’
Yonatan Shapira is the grandson of a woman who was killed in the Holocaust.  In the link above, he explains why he will be on the Gaza Flotilla.

I was moved to tears by Yonatan’s very simple quiet calm explanation.

Internationally acclaimed poet, Alice Walker, has written this essay on why she is sailing to Gaza on the Freedom Flotilla.

The world is finally watching, and I hope to God that no one is murdered this time.