Thank You ...

Thanks to Abi, thanks to Simon, thanks to Will ... the 3 of them are responsible for me having my first professional photography shoot here in England. 

And thanks to Kim too.  I'm not sure it would have unfolded had she not stopped at that church, the one in the mist, gifting me time to remember the sheer joy I feel when I work with my camera.

Long story short ... a couple of days later I was asked if I was interested in photographing the food that Drift Bar serves.  Of course I was.  And then I couldn't resist trying to capture their spectacular smoking cocktails.

I took this photograph for Miss 11.  We have spent more than a year, lying on my bed in the evenings, reading right through the entire series of Harry Potter.  This scene seemed very Hogwarts.

So last night was a great night, full of food photographs, taken in those 3 seconds I had them - between kitchen and table -  good people and really fun photo opportunities.  It's so good to be back. 

London tomorrow.  Let's see how that goes.